As Temple Shalom resumes in-person services this week The Board, along with the Ritual Committee have reviewed COVID-safety protocols. Although the province has renounced its mask policy Temple Shalom will be taking a more gradual approach based on generally accepted scientific best practices. Please note the changes below:
1) All participants attending Temple Shalom are asked to wear a mask. Surgical masks will be provided on the table at the entrance of the foyer for those who need one.
2) Please follow public health protocols: wear a mask, sanitize your hands, and keep physically distanced at 6 feet apart.
3) Anyone aged 18 or over needs to have had at least 2 COVID vaccines.
4) Members of the congregation are no longer required to complete the provincial self-screening assessment or to provide personal information for contact tracing. Guests are welcome! All guests should leave their contact information with August upon entrance.
5) Anyone speaking/singing at the bimah is welcomed to take their mask off, as long as they can maintain a 6-foot distance from others. This assists those who have found it difficult to understand speakers who are masked.