Essays & Reflections
Jay’s Personal Statement: Speech from Oct. 10th vigil
Hello. I’m Jay Judkowitz, president of Temple Shalom, a Reform congregation in Waterloo. But, I’m going to speak here personally, not on behalf of the congregation or its board. It’s a diverse community and I don’t want to put words in anyone’s mouths. I will...
Solidarity Statement
On Saturday, October 7th, Hamas launched a massive offensive against Israel. Hundreds are dead and thousands are injured. Many hostages have been taken into Gaza. This is an unprecedented attack that has left us all horrified and heartbroken. Additionally, this is...
President’s Message: Kol Nidre 2023
Shanah tova, everyone. It’s great to see everyone here together this evening. Since there are so many people here, I will use this opportunity to give a brief overview of the most recent steps the rabbi search committee has taken: Following the advice from the...
Norm’s D’var: Earth Day Service
D'var: Parsha Tazria-Metzora - Earth Day: Apr 22/23 I've been asked to give a Mini-D'var today so I'll try and be brief. The first part of the D'var is called The Challenge; which is to try and relate the topic of our parsha, a white, flaky skin affliction called...
D’var from Carina’s Bat Mitzvah
Moses is Judaism’s greatest action hero. He stands up to Pharaoh. He sinks the Egyptian chariots. He’s a teacher, a lawgiver, a philosopher, and a leader. My parashah, Shemot, gives us our hero’s origin story. But, if we really pay attention as we read it, we realize...
D’var from Sam’s Bar Mitzvah
If you didn't get a chance to hear Sam's d'var for his Bar Mitzvah last week, you can read it below: In the beginning. You’ve probably heard these words before. It’s how my Torah portion, and how the whole Torah, begins. After these words, we are told the story...
Statement on the Attack in London
Why I want to be your rabbi…
As I enter my Bat Mitzvah year with you, 13 years, I am thrilled to accept your offer to extend my commitment to Temple Shalom for another two years. I may physically live in Toronto, but my spiritual self resides in Waterloo with you! Here’s my 13 reasons why I want...

A message from Rabbi Lori
These are extraordinary and strange days that we are living in. This world-wide virus is forcing us to rethink the way that we work, socialize, shop and interact with the world. When many things around us are closing or being postponed, including our sacred...
The Biblical Roots of Pesach with Rabbi Lori
Sunday, March 8 - 2 pm @ Temple Shalom The Biblical Roots of Pesach with Rabbi Lori