Meet Our People

Temple Shalom Board of Directors
Jay Judkowitz

Jay Judkowitz


Jay became President in 2023, having previously served as Treasurer from 2020-2023.

Looking to get involved? Have questions about how Temple Shalom works? Jay is the person you want to talk to!

Steve Goldstone

Steve Goldstone

Vice President

Steve has been Vice President since 2024, but has served on the board since 2020. He also acts as the chair of the Cedars Management Committee. Talk to Steve about issues with the building, and long-term operations at Temple Shalom!

August Adelman

August Adelman


August has been Secretary since 2017 and started as the Temple Administrator in 2021. August is in charge of the Temple Shalom weekly newsletters.

Have community news that needs to be shared? Not getting your emails? Need a poster for an event? August is the person you want to contact!

Patrick Church

Patrick Church


Patrick has been Treasurer since 2023.

Making a donation? Need a tax receipt? Paying dues? Patrick is the person you want to contact!

Mike Lopez

Mike Lopez

Ritual Chair

Mike has been serving as Ritual Chair since 2020, and previously served as Treasurer on the board.

Interested in becoming a lay leader? Have questions about the Siddurim or Chumashim? Want to sponsor an Oneg? Mike is the person you want to talk to!

Alysse Hastie

Alysse Hastie

Past President

Alysse was President from 2018-2023. She has been an active volunteer with the Temple Shalom community for 20 years. Alysse also runs the Temple Shalom Gift Shop.

Have questions about Temple Shalom’s history or operation? Alysse is the person you want to talk to!


Diana Park

Diana Park


Diana has been the Membership coordinator since 2024. She has served on the board since 2017.

Want to get involved and get connected? Diana  is the person you want to contact!

Deepi Weisz

Deepi Weisz

Adult Education Liaison

Deepi joined the board in 2024, and has been involved in the Adult Education Committee since 2023.

Want to learn something new? Got a skill or specialty you are interested in sharing? Deepi is the person you want to talk to!

Sharon Cantor

Sharon Cantor

Social Coordinator and Education Liaison

Sharon joined the board in 2023 but previously has served as a volunteer and Religious School teacher for many years.

Want to help out with an event? Got questions about the Religious School? Sharon is the person you want to talk to!


Shawn Wasserman

Shawn Wasserman

SEAC Liaison

Shawn joined the board in 2023. He acts as the liasion for the Social and Environmental Action Committee.

Want to get involved with SEAC? Shawn is the person you want to contact!

Ready To Join Us At Temple?

Temple Shalom is a welcoming, all inclusive place of worship serving the Jewish community in Kitchener-Waterloo. We'd love to see you there!

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