Antisemitism and Canada: Past and Present
Discussion with Jake S.
Thursday October 28th at 5:00pm (Zoom)
The link below is a video of Justin Trudeau’s apology to the Jews of Canada on November 7, 2018. While the motivation for the apology was the plight of the Jewish refugees on the ship St Louis who were turned away from Canada in 1939, the apology is much more far-reaching. It is worth listening to the whole 28 minutes (there are a couple of short ads, that can be skipped).
I am surprised to find that few people in the Jewish community have actually read or listened to the entire speech and I wonder why.
The comments below the video are disturbing. They suggest that some in Canada don’t share the remorse expressed by Trudeau.
My discussion question is twofold: Why has this apology not received more attention? Is Canada a different place today with respect to antisemitism?
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