Latest News From Temple Shalom
Announcements and MoreFood Bank Volunteering Event
Original Tunes to Chase Away the Winter Blues
Antisemitism and Canada: Past and Present
Antisemitism and Canada: Past and Present Discussion with Jake S. Thursday October 28th at 5:00pm (Zoom) The link below is a video of Justin Trudeau's apology to the Jews of Canada on November 7, 2018. While the motivation for the apology was the plight of the Jewish...
Food Bank Donation Page
COVID has been hard on our community, so if you can, please donate to the food bank at the link below:
Fundraiser for Temple Shalom
What better way to lift spirits and build connections than with chocolate! Send all orders, payment & questions to Alysse at **Free home delivery to Toronto, Guelph, Hamilton, Mississauga, Oakville and K-W on orders $60 or more. Orders...
The Biblical Roots of Pesach with Rabbi Lori
Sunday, March 8 - 2 pm @ Temple Shalom The Biblical Roots of Pesach with Rabbi Lori

Dan Berry Celebratory Oneg
Thank You Berry Much Dan! Help us celebrate Dan Berry's years of service to Temple Shalom at an Oneg in his honour. Please bring a lunch item (no sweets) to share. Email August at with what you will be bringing. Thank you! Saturday February 22,...

Purim Potluck Dinner
March 6 at 6:00PM Temple Shalom Purim Vegetarian Potluck Shabbat Dinner Join Temple Shalom for Purim festivities, and trivia! The potluck will follow a short Kabbalat Shabbat service from 6:00-6:30pm. Please RSVP to Diana at with the number of...

Purim PJ Shabbat
Temple Shalom Purim Pyjama Shabbat Friday March 6 at 5:30PM Parents and kids (ages 8 months to 8 years) are invited to a short Purim service with Rabbi Lori featuring songs and stories, followed by pizza, activities, and a costume parade to celebrate Purim! RSVP to...

Lay Leaders to Lead Services and Musicians to Accompany the Leader
Temple Shalom depends on lay leaders and musicians to be able to have services as often as it does. There is a good group now, but we always need more to help distribute the work and to prepare leadership for the future as some of the leaders, e.g., I, consider...