Purim Murder Mystery Party

Put on your costumes and join Temple Shalom, the WRJCC, and ParkPlay Improv Theatre Group for an interactive murder mystery party! There’s been a murder! Who could be the killer? Was it Haman, Zeresh, Achashverosh, Mordechai, Shaashgaz, or even Esther?...

D’var from Carina’s Bat Mitzvah

Moses is Judaism’s greatest action hero. He stands up to Pharaoh. He sinks the Egyptian chariots. He’s a teacher, a lawgiver, a philosopher, and a leader. My parashah, Shemot, gives us our hero’s origin story. But, if we really pay attention as we read it, we realize...

D’var from Sam’s Bar Mitzvah

If you didn’t get a chance to hear Sam’s d’var for his Bar Mitzvah last week, you can read it below:   In the beginning. You’ve probably heard these words before. It’s how my Torah portion, and how the whole Torah, begins. After these words, we...

Updated COVID Protocols – September 2022

In keeping with the provincial regulations, services, including High Holy Day services, do not have any specific COVID protocols. However, in light of the ongoing widespread circulation of Covid variants, we strongly encourage attendees to wear masks and practice...