President’s Message: Kol Nidre 2023

Shanah tova, everyone.  It’s great to see everyone here together this evening. Since there are so many people here, I will use this opportunity to give a brief overview of the most recent steps the rabbi search committee has taken: Following the advice from the...

Norm’s D’var: Earth Day Service

D’var: Parsha Tazria-Metzora – Earth Day: Apr 22/23 I’ve been asked to give a Mini-D’var today so I’ll try and be brief. The first part of the D’var is called The Challenge; which is to try and relate the topic of our parsha, a...

Purim Murder Mystery Party

Put on your costumes and join Temple Shalom, the WRJCC, and ParkPlay Improv Theatre Group for an interactive murder mystery party! There’s been a murder! Who could be the killer? Was it Haman, Zeresh, Achashverosh, Mordechai, Shaashgaz, or even Esther?...